E21 lanza la histórica Alianza Global de Evangelistas
May 18, 2018—Johannesburg, South Africa – Evangelists from around the world and various Spirit-empowered denominations and ministries gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa to launch the Empowered21 Global Evangelist Alliance (GEA), chaired by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, President and CEO of Christ for the Nations. “The purpose of this very influential group of evangelists in coming together […]
Cómo toda persona puede tener un encuentro con el Espíritu Santo para Pentecostés 2033
Leaders for whom evangelism is their primary call to ministry met to strategize ways the Global Evangelist Alliance (GEA) can continue spreading the message of Jesus Christ around the world. The gathering was part of the annual meeting of Empowered21. “We want to be guided by and in strategic alignment with the Holy Spirit,” said […]
El Consejo Global Empowered21 precede al Congreso Latinoamericano
Bogotá Colombia—Spirit-empowered leaders from six continents are gathered this week in Bogotá, Colombia for the annual meeting of Empowered21 (E21) international leadership. The five days in Latin America are filled with strategic meetings and fellowship gatherings designed to advance and resource the Spirit-empowered community around the world. The Global Council of E21 opened their annual […]
Empowered21 Global Congress Online 2020 Sesiones completas de video
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